Brickfields Country Park Sitemap
Brickfields Country Park sitemap, click on any of the links below to take you directly to that page.
Of the current total of 650 species that have been found in Brickfields Country Park, 21 are Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species (2 plants, 4 birds, 1 animal and 14 invertebrates). We also have a possible four more Biodiversity Action Plan species that we are still researching before adding to our lists. There are a further 25 species that are unidentified in four groups that can be seen from this link.
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denotes a new entry to the list, whilst BAP species are marked
Section links - Dates | News | Find us | Gallery | Search | Downloads | Miscellaneous
Plantlife - Aquatic | Fungi | Trees & Shrubs | Plants
Wildlife - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Birds | Animals | Invasive
- Home page
- Site Map for - this page!
- Dates events and work schedules
- History of Brickfields Country Park
- Plantlife found in Brickfields Country Park
- Wildlife found in Brickfields Country Park
- The Friends of Brickfields Country Park
- Dates events and work schedules
- A history of Brickfields Country Park
- Dates events and work schedules [top]
- News for Brickfields Country Park [top]
- March 2018 - Pond restoration
- 5th March 2014 - Fly tipping, a mention in "Manor Park Matters" and Fun Day 2014.
- 11th October 2013 - Brickfields Country Park appears in "The Word".
- 1st December 2011 - Help from local companies.
- 22nd August 2011 - Unsocial & dangerous behaviour, Rushmoor by-laws.
- 5th July 2011 - Funday and lost property.
- 20th May 2011 - Brickfields Country Park joins The Brenda Parker Way, Goose killed by dog, Fox cub saved by local "unlikely" lads.
- 13th December 2010 - Rare daytime species sighting in the park.
- 26th October 2010 - Ducks lured to their deaths.
- 15th September 2009 - Man assaulted in the Brickfields area.
- 13th May 2009 -Goslings killed by vandals - arrests made.
- 20th August 2007 - Residents fly tipping.
- 1st January 2007 - Land grab.
- 15th August 2006 - Wildlife, Storms and other stories.
- 24th May 2006 - Chrismas Lodge Closure, Potholes, New arrivals.
- 16th January 2006 - Drugs bust - almost, Flight Arrivals.
- 28th October 2005 - Vandals strike again, Illegal parking.
- 10th June 2005 - Batty Brickfields makes the front page!
- 3rd October 2004 - Trees down in storms, Encroachment, Rubbish.
- 12th August 2004 - Bob Carrington, Fun Day, Geese, Wild September, Vandals.
- 7th July 2002 - Fun Day, Geese, Fires, Newts Terrapins & Pond plants.
- 7th June 2002 - Fun Day, Geese / Ducks / Moorhens breeding, Queens Jubilee.
- 20th May 2002 - Wildlife, Arsonists, Insurance, Fun Day.
- 4th April 2002 - Fun Day, Wildlife, Arsonists.
- 17th July 2001 - Fun Day, Green Family Sunday, Wildlife, Arsonists, Common Snappers, Sponsors.
- 14th May 2001 - The Body Shop, Homo sapiens ssp. stupidus, Geese breeding, Butterflies & Terrapins.
- 16th April 2001 - Ducklings, Geese breeding, Birds.
- 20th March 2001 - Foot & Mouth, dog poo, Rain, Body Shop, Newts & local gardens, Fun Day.
- 3rd December 2000 - Awards, fish movements, Tree planting, Press report.
- 25th October 2000 - Terrapin finals, fish stocks and new photos.
- 15th September 2000 - Fires, Terrapins, fish stocks and new photos.
- 21st July 2000 - Fun Day, Road signs, Moorhens, Captives on display.
- 26th June 2000 - Geese, Terrapins & fish over stocking.
- 6th June 2000 - Newts, Geese, Moorhens, Terrapins, vandalism.
- 17th April 2000 - Terrapins, newts and 2000 Fun Day.
- 18th February 2000 - Boats, Rubbish bins replaced and 2000 Fun Day.
- 23rd January 2000 - Fly tipping, New waste disposal rules & Cycle ramps.
- 11th January 2000 - No fishing sign stolen? Terrapin catching and cycle ramps.
- 17th December 1999 - a busy year, Illegal fishing, Council work, Terrapins, Rat catching and 1999 Fun Day.
- How to find Brickfields Country Park
- Brickfields Country Park plantlife - 397 species
- Unidentified species - 25 species
- Brickfields Country Park Wildlife - 253 species
- Links to related groups
- Contacts
- Gallery - photos of Brickfields Country Park[top]
- Funday - photos for 2003–2018
- Miscellaneous - photos
- Pond restoration - all stages
- Photos of the park after construction in 1985
- February – March 2003 - Rubbish, Crocus, Volunteers, Spawn, misc flowers
- January 2003 - Various views of the park in snow
- January 2003 - panoramic photo of Brickfields Country Park
- July – August 2002 - Newts, RSPCA, Volunteers, Hedgehog, Flowers, two species added
- June 2002 - Flowers, Funday 2002, Damselfly, Dragonfly, 3 species added
- May – June 2002 - Damselfly, Geese family, two species added
- Nov 2001 – Jan 2002 - Flowers, Fungi, Bramble, two species added
- September – October 2002 - Hops, Red Admiral, two species added
- August – September 2001 - Butterflies, Damselflies, Plants - two species added
- July – August 2001 - Grasses, Plants, Dragonflies - two species added
- June 2001 - Plants, Terrapins & Beetles - one species added
- June 2001 - Plants, Animals & Volunteers - four species added
- May 2001 - Awards, plants and animals - three species added
- January – April 2001 - Misc plants - seven species added
- Nov 2000 – Jan 2001 - Koi Carp, Eden Project, Misc plants - five species added
- Sept – Nov 2000 - Fish Relocation, Plants and Invertebrates - seven species added
- Aug – Sept 2000 - Plants and Invertebrates - four species added
- July – August 2000 - Plants and Invertebrates - six species added
- July 2000 - Funday, Terrapins caught, plants - seven species added
- June – July 2000 - Various trees and plants (and blossoms) - 10 species added.
- May – June 2000 - Various plants and their blossoms - fifteen species added
- March – May 2000 - Bluebells, nesting Geese, Hawthorn blossom, Heron, Adders & misc plants
- March 2000March 2000 - Ducks, Geese, Lesser Celandine, Daffodil, Mahonia & misc plants
- February – March 2000 - Alders, Anthills, Bluebells, Crocus, Daffodils & misc views
- 1997 – 1999 - Ducks, Road signs & Terrapins
- Search Brickfields Park web site[top]
- Downloads available from Brickfields Country Park
- Convert - a very useful utility for converting almost anything to anything
- TreeAge - a utility to derive the age of a tree. (In development)
- Guided walk around Brickfields Country Park. (From Rushmoor BC)
- Guided walk around Brickfields Country Park and Manor Park. (From Rushmoor BC)
- Guided walk around Brickfields Country Park and Badshot Lea. (From Rushmoor BC)
- Miscellaneous [top]
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