Recent news - 5th July 2011
Funday and lost property
Lost Property - Child's wallet .....
During the Funday last Sunday (3rd July) a wallet and money was handed into us for safe keeping having been left on the Blackwater Valley Countryside stand. Unfortunately there was no form of identification inside the wallet so we cannot contact the owner, but the contents of the wallet lead us to think it belongs to a child. If you are the owner, parent or knows who lost the wallet please contact us by email . We will endeavour to return the wallet to its owner as soon as we can if contacted.
2011 Fun Day .....
Our Funday 2011 once again enjoyed spectacular weather and drew a steady stream of visitors throughout the day, despite other local and national events. To see photos of the event go to the gallery Funday 2011 page here.
Group stands at this years event were –
- Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue - a new exhibitor this year. A small local charity that treat, care and rehabilitate all wildlife that comes into their care - (website).
- Millers Ark Animals - an old favourite at our Fun Days, come and pet the animals, learn more about them and if the Sheep decide to roam free as in previous years, watch out for a rumpus at the cake stall! - (website).
- Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust - with their information stand about wildlife in this area and a live display of bugs and beasts - (website).
- Surrey Butterfly Conservation - display about the butterflies of the UK and their conservation and what you can do to help them.
- St. Michaels C.E. Infant School - One of out local schools with their very popular cuddly toy stall tombola - (website).
- Mark's Birds of Prey Display- Eagle Owl, Buzzard, Harris Hawk, Kestrel, Barn Owl. Get the chance to see these rare birds, handle them and have your photo taken.
- Wey Valley Cats Protection - The Farnham and Wey Valley Branch of Cats Protection is a dedicated group of volunteers who give their time and skills on a regular basis to help find new homes for unwanted and abandoned cats in the local area. The branch covers the Aldershot, Farnham, Alton and Bordon areas, and additional enthusiastic local volunteers are always needed - (website).
- Cove Brook Greenway - a welcome return this year showing off the Cove Brook, its environs and the volunteers who help maintain it - (website).
- Brickfields Country Park - Games, Hot & Cold refreshments, biscuits, homemade cakes and our (now hopefully world famous! - applause) Brickfields Park Jams made from fruit sourced in the park.
Many, many thanks to the groups above for helping with our Funday, and lastly we must not forget our sponsors, for without the help of local businesses and organisations we would at times be unable to do some of our work in the park and stage events like the Fun Day. Our grateful thanks go to them –
- Speedy Tool Hire, Aldershot (website) - electrical facilities.
- Rushmoor Borough Council (website) - leaflets, publicity and toilets.
If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -
- 999 - for emergencies,
- 112 - from mobiles worldwide,
- 101 - for non emergencies.
If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail at Brickfields Country Park website.
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