Recent news - 18th February 2000

Boats, Rubbish bins replaced and 2000 Fun Day.

Boats .....
The "No Fishing" sign is restored to the pond.  We spent the first work period for February "messing about in boats".  Sue, Laura and Mike were there in not very good weather, squally showers, wind and drizzle, we really should have had somebody else with a camcorder, it would have made hilarious viewing.  It was quite difficult to maintain station at the right point in the pond due to the prevailing wind but we managed it in the end.  The sign has been repaired with a longer chain fitted, as the older shorter chain would seem to have strained the previous fixings when the anchor weight sank into the mud.  The new sign has been adopted by the Coots as a place to sit on.

Rubbish bins replaced .....
We have had several of the rubbish bins in repair for some time now (too long actually), so over the same weekend we replace those as well.  They has rusted at the base in the 15 or so years since they were installed and this had been used to some effect by several vandals with the bins ending up in the pond.  They have been re–welded and painted so should last for some years to come.

2000 Fun Day .....
The Fun Day for this year has been set for Sunday the 2nd of July, 11:00am to 4:00pm.  To be held again in the park, Boxalls Lane, Aldershot.  (location map) - Local environment groups, stalls, face painting, games, cakes, refreshments & more.  E-mail for information.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .

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