Telephone #
This page details telephone numbers for local conservation groups and related organizations. All numbers shown are from previously published material or given directly to BCP by the relevant organization. If you would like to add a number to this list, add an E-mail address or a Web url to the E-mail & Links pages then please let us know, contact at Brickfields Country Park website.
(No responsibility is accepted for the information given or its accuracy.)
Group | Contact | Function | Number |
Aldershot Angling Club | Gregory Hayes | Contact name | 01252 332675 |
Aldershot Historical Society | Peter Stent | Treasurer | 01252 316365 |
Aldershot Police Station | 01252 324545 | ||
Basingstoke Canal Society | 07817 897446 | ||
Bat Conservation Trust | Lisa Worledge | Enquiries | 02078 207176 |
Blackwater Valley Partnership | Steve Bailey | Manager | T - 01252 331353 F - 01252 331354 |
Bracknell Forest Countryside Rangers | 01344 354441 | ||
Dinton Pastures Country Park - Wokingham District Council Countryside Service | 0118 934 2016 | ||
Environment Agency | Andy Thomas Nicholas Weddell | 24hr hotline number Environment Protection Officers | 0800 807060 01276 454435 01276 454435 |
Farnborough & District Angling Society | David Cassell | Club Secretary | 07840 627986 |
Farnham Angling Society | Mick Borra | Contact name | 01252 320871 |
Farnham Herald | Scott Wood | Director | 01252 725224 |
Farnham Park Waverley Borough Council | Robin Crowther | Contact name | 01252 717047 |
Fleet Pond Society | Mr. Colin Gray Edith Evans | Chairman Membership | 01252 616183 |
Frimley Fuel Allotments | Ms. Christa Rhode | Chair | 01276 683061 |
Froglife | Information | T - 01733 602102 F - 01986 874744 | |
Hampshire Conservation Volunteers | Mac Millington | Contact name | 01730 829454 |
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust | 01489 774406 | ||
Lightwater Country Park Surrey Heath Borough Council | Gordon Voller Peter Maynard | 01276 707100 | |
Moore & Moore Carp | Martin Moore | Fish relocation | 01189 882844 |
Rushmoor Borough Council | Kathy O'Rourke Alison Davidson David Quirk Les Murrell | Parks Dept Manager Marketing officer Conservation Manager Environment LA21 Coordinator | 01252 398771 01252 398741 01252 398732 01252 398160 01252 398538 |
Rowhill Conservation Volunteers | Roy Champion | Chairman | 01252 319749 |
Scouting Association (Hampshire) | 02380 847847 | ||
Swan Lifeline | Swan rescue | 01753 859397 |
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