The Body Shop, Ducks & Geese breeding, Homo sapiens stupidus, Butterflies & Terrapins.
The Body Shop .....
On the 29th of April a group of volunteers from The Body Shop group came to help us out with the paths and other tasks as part of their 25th anniversary celebrations. This was part of a world wide campaign to return something back to local environment by the The Body Shop as part of the "Body Shop Gets Active " campaign. The work session was specially arranged for the Body Shop with three volunteers from the Farnborough store helping us clear a large area of the ever invading Brambleand then laying over 30mts of path damaged during the winter in the heavy rains. Many thanks to the Body Shop.
Ducks & Geese .....
The Mallard chicks have now stabilised at 3, and are now nearly as large as their parents. The Canada Geese have now been sitting on the nest for just over 3 weeks so some chicks should put in an appearance in the next 10 days or so. The Heron continues to give the Geese a hard time, sitting on the next island to the geese, just waiting for the young to appear.
Homo sapiens stupidus .....
Over several nights recently, local residents have been troubled by the late night antics of Homo sapiens stupidus, with the local police having to be called to sort out a group of 15 or so, who were firing ball bearings with catapults at the Ducks, Geese and other wildlife. Fortunately it was late at night so they could not see to aim too well so there does not appear to have been any injuries. Another group have been lighting fires to heat drugs and generally make a lot of noise. It would be helpful if residents do not wait until they see me in the park to complain (usually several days later) but called the police out immediately the problem is found.
Butterflies .....
The area bordering Jubilee Road, now accessible after recently being cleared as part of crown thinning several poplars, has proved to be a haven for butterflies, 4 possibly 5 new species (to us) were found this weekend. They are Holly Blue, Orange-tip, Brimstone, Speckled Wood and another species not yet identified that may be a female ♀ Speckled Wood.
Terrapins .....
Terrapins were sighted for the first time this weekend as there was a lot of sunshine to tempt them out to bask. Two were seen, a bit of a disappointment as we had thought last year that there was only one left after all our efforts, possibly another well meant (but highly illegal) donation?
2001 Fun Day .....
The Fun Day for this year is confirmed for Sunday the 1st of July, 11:00am to 4:00pm, preparations are progressing but if you would like space at the event please let us know, there are not many plots remaining as we are one of the few events still on during the Foot & Mouth problems. Held again in the park, Boxalls Lane, Aldershot. (location map) - Local environment groups, stalls, games, cakes, refreshments & more. Free admission. E-mail for information.
If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -
If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .
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