Recent news - 28th October 2005

Vandals strike again!
Illegal parking

Brick plaque vandalised
Brick tablet vandalised .....  Once again our local wildlife have been out on their nocturnal wanderings looking for something to do!  All in all we get off reasonably well during a year, there is an amount of general rubbish which a few of our visitors help by clearing when they are about, and some low level vandalism, but this incidence is rather more annoying.  Our brick plaque was erected in 1985 when the park was opened after a competition in the local community to find out what should mark the then very new park.

Brickfields Country Park plaqueShown at left, in its pristine state, (it was moved a couple of years ago when the car-park was redeveloped), the plaque has a design that is intended to convey the nature of Brickfields Country Park.  It is made of Brick tiles, harking back to when the site was occupied by "The Aldershot Brick and Tile Works " (See pages 7 & 8 of our History pages.) For now we have had the remains of the plaque removed into safe keeping so we can rebuild it in the near future.

Illegal parking
Illegal parking .....  For quite a while this year we have suffered from a large lorry illegally parking overnight in the car park.  Local by-laws prohibit such parking, but the main problem was the position of the lorry - right opposite the gate - which made it very difficult for us to get our transport (with its trailer) into the park so that we could work!  In the end the lorry moved on but we have now discovered that its weight (sometimes loaded with a car) has resulted in it sinking through through the tarmac, leaving several holes in the surface. (see below)


This pothole is degrading rather quickly due to its position in a higher traffic area of the car park.  A contribution from the lorry owner towards the cost of repairs would be nice - but I wouldn't hold your breath.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail at Brickfields Country Park website.

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