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Yellow Archangel - Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, click for a larger image
Photo ©2011–
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Yellow Archangel - Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon
Family - Lamiaceae
Also known as - Yellow Dead–nettle

Yellow Archangel is a widespread herbaceous perennial wildflower in the UK and Europe growing to about 30–45cm (1–1.5ft) high in dense patches in shady conditions.  Some cultivars of Yellow Archangel (E.g. "Variegata") are widely planted as a ground cover garden plant which can be become quite invasive as their stems aggressively root where they touch the earth.

It displays a zygomorphic flower morphology with opposite leaves and a square stem typical of the mint family. It has soft yellow flowers in axial clusters with a prominent "hood" similar to that of other Lamiums.

It is capable of hybridization with other Lamium species and a well known among these is the variegated Yellow Archangel – Lamium galeobdolon variegatum, whose variegated leaves show as silver patches in a wide semicircle.  This is the Yellow Archangel plant most often seen in the wild as a garden escapee, as shown by our photos on the right as found in Brickfields Park.

Yellow Archangel - Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, click for a larger image Yellow Archangel - Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, click for a larger image Yellow Archangel - Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon, click for a larger image

Photos ©2011–

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