
Sulphur Tuft - Hypholoma fasciculare is a poisonous fungus

Sulphur Tuft - Hypholoma fasiculare
Family - Strophariaceae
Also known as -
Honey Fungus, Green–gilled Wood–lover

This fungus is poisonous

Sulphur Tuft is a pale to bright sulphur yellow mushroom with a orange to brown coloured tip growing in groups or "tufts" on rotting wood in forests and woodlands to a height of about 18cm (7in) and 3–6cm (1.2–2.3in).  A very common mushroom in most temperate forest regions.  It can also be found on forestry wood chips used as a mulch and occasionally in grass, but will actually be growing on rotting buried tree roots.  It is inedible containing poisons that can cause liver damage, symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and emesis.  Spores are a purple–brown colour, gills greenish when immature, they smell a bit like iodine.

BCP do not advise or recommend that Sulphur Tuft – Hypholoma fasiculare is eaten or used as an herbal remedy.   Sulphur Tuft is not edible and can be mistaken for both the edible Hypholoma capnoides and for Honey Mushrooms of the Armillaria group.

Sulphur Tuft - Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft - Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur Tuft - Hypholoma fasciculare
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