Brickfields Country Park volunteers attended the following events during 2000 with the display stand and several fund raising games, to bring the Park and the work of the volunteers to the publics attention. For further details E–mail
Sunday 2nd July, Brickfields Country Park fun day. After a mad panic on the previous Friday when we found that the tent was double booked with another group, we finally managed to find a large frame tent from a scout group in Fleet, which with hindsight actually worked out better that the one we should have had. Again the weather was with us with just one small shower. The day went well again with fine weather and good attendance from the public, all of the games and attractions were popular, with the ball pond, hook–a–duck, tombola and cake stall seeming to be the favorites. We made just on £150 which will help during 2000 with postage, insurance and fuel for the brush cutters. Next years Fun Day is provisionally set for the 7th of July, so put it in your diaries now for another "Fun Day".
Sunday 23rd July, The Rushmoor Green Family Fun Day & Flower Festival. Combined this year with the Farmers Market, the event was again well attended. Held in the Princes Hall & Gardens with local environment groups, stalls, children's amusements, games, refreshments, LPG vehicles and a water efficient garden. A special event on the day were three lectures and demonstrations by the TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham.
BCP had on the previous Saturday managed to catch another of the Terrapins from the pond so it was taken along as an exhibit. It drew a lot of interest from the public, many of whom knew quite a lot about terrapins, and for the few who did not, they hopefully went away a little wiser on the environmental destruction that these animals can do. The lucky dip went well with the children, being sold out before the days end.
Sunday 13th August, The R.S.P.C.A. Gala Day & Dog Show A new event for BCP as a change from the Kite and Juggling Festival that we normally go to. Again on the Saturday before we had managed to catch another Terrapin, so it was taken along as an exhibit as we did at the Green Family Fund Day, again drawing much interest. Tombola and Luck dip again well used especially as some of the other stalls were much more expensive. Many craft stalls, a sheep sanctuary and flying displays of several raptor bird species. A good event for BCP with a lot of public interest, with the weather staying fine right up to the end of the event.
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