Recent news - 15th September 2000

Fire! Terrapins (again), fish stocks and new photos.

Terrapins .....
Since the last news page in July we have caught another two terrapins.  Both female ♀ Red Ears of about 6-8 years old.  We seem to be getting quite adept at catching these creatures, so much so that some of the locals are referring to "Terrapin Dundee", the person who keeps wading around in the pond with a large net!  This now leaves us with one blighter having this year caught 4, and one being savaged by a local dog.  This one must have been ill a they are usually far to fast to be caught by a dog, the terrapin was taken to the local vet and humanely put down.

Now that the terrapin problem has been almost eradicated we will now put in place several tasks to improve the newt habitat and keep a watch on them see if they recover.

Arson .....
On the last day of the summer holidays we had two fires in the park that resulted in the Fire Services having to turn out and deal with them.  As it turns out there was not too much damage with mostly long dry grass and some brambles suffering the most but quite a large area was burnt.  Within ten days new lush grass and plant regrowth was evident, so it will be good to see what long term effect this burn has on the area.

Fish stocks .....
No news as yet on the fish stocking, but the next couple of months would be the time to do it, depending on some pond clearance work by the council.

Gallery photos .....
Many more photos of the plants in the park have been added to the photo gallery, and there are still several more films to add.  As a result 25 new plant species have been added to the plantlife page in the last couple of months.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .

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