Recent news - 21st July 2000

Fun Day, Road signs, Moorhens, Captives on display.

Fun day .....
The Fun Day went well again with fine weather and good attendance from the public, all of the games and attractions were popular, with the ball pond, hook-a-duck, tombola and cake stall seeming to be the favorites.  We made just on £150 which will help during the year with postage, insurance and fuel for the brush cutters.  Next year's Fun Day is provisionally set for the 7th of July, so put it in your diaries now for another "Fun Day".

Wildlife .....
The Moorhens have produced another clutch of about 4 young, these are about a week old and like the last brood are doing well.  The previous brood are now well grown and off on their own as the parents have obviously started a new family.  We have also noticed in the last few days a new brood of Ducks, again about 4 young, but there maybe a couple more.  There have not been many ducklings this year, earlier broods have been caught by the cold, or predators.  Since the previous brood some months ago, the ducks have been scarce, but in the last few weeks numbers have started to return to former levels and they are now breeding again.

Mobile road signs .....
A large road sign was found in the park the other evening, up near Chrismas Lodge, about 8ft by 3ft and heavy enough to require at least two to carry from its original roadside position at the bottom of Eggars Hill at least a mile away.  It makes you wonder what possesses some people to go the all that effort! - doh.  Ask them to help us and that's "boring".  We have since heard that there is a second road sign or possibly a barrier in the park, location - as far from the entrance as you could get - WHY?

Terrapins .....
Late on Saturday we managed to catch a reasonably large female ♀ Red Eared Terrapin.  Caught from the top island with a large landing net and a lot of patience, it actually jumped straight into the net once it realised that someone had crept up on it.  As we were to be at The Rushmoor Green Family Sun day the following day we took our captive along as an exhibit.  It drew a lot of interest from the public, many of whom knew quite a lot about terrapins, and for the few who did not, they hopefully went away a little wiser on the environmental destruction that these animals can do.

RSPCA Gala Day .....
See you on Sunday August the 13th at the R.S.P.C.A. Hampshire & Surrey Branch Gala Day held at Ash Common Recreation Ground, Ash Vale. 11:00am to approx 4:00pm.  Free admission. Bird of prey display, craft and charity stalls, bar and hot food, older cat photograph competition, fun and frolics for all the family.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .

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