No fishing sign stolen? Terrapin catching and cycle ramps.
No fishing sign stolen? .....
Some of you may remember back about July of last year we had a new floating "No Fishing" sign installed in the main open area of the pond. It lasted precisely 4 days and then mysteriously disappeared! Well it has been found, way up in the brambles to the north of the pond, having become visible when the undergrowth died back. What is left of the anchor chain confirms our suspicions that the sign had not been installed correctly in the first place, with nylon "ty-wraps" used to couple the chain to the anchor weight. (Nylon expands in water, so the "ty-wraps" gave way). In the next few weeks we will get a new concrete weight cast, repair the anchor chain and reinstall the sign, hopefully this will finally put a stop to the illegal fishing.
Terrapin catching .....
Plans are now in hand to have another go at catching the terrapins when the warmer weather returns, one of the terrapin sanctuaries is going to try to catch them using special gear which they claim to have had much success with at other locations. Special permission has been obtained for this work which will start anytime after Easter as the terrapins will have just come out of hibernation.
Cycle ramps .....
Another problem not reported last year was with a small determined group of children constructing ramps to ride their mountain bikes over, usually leaving large holes for people to trip up in. The problem had been countered by removing the materials that they were digging up, but it has now started again in the grassy areas where they found it easier to dig. In the last few days the kids responsible were caught in the act of constructing another ramp, and after some explanation of the problem and "attitude" on their part (apparently we are just "tree huggers", have not heard that one for some time!), we have come to a compromise.
With help from the kids to repair the damage and to assist in constructing an alternative, we will make a minor modification to the central mound in the park to provide a dip and hump for them to ride. The area in question is already in use by cyclists and was to be cleared of rubbish and undergrowth this year anyway, the work has just been brought forward in the year somewhat. However, as agreed with the kids, if they do not turn up to help the job will not be done, and anybody found digging again will be dealt with. To their credit the current damage was immediately put right.
If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -
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