Film #19 - May – June 2002
This page shows thumbnails for photographs taken during
May – June 2002 in Brickfields Country Park.
Click any photo for a larger image.

 Damselfly on Parrots Feather |
 Damselfly on Parrots Feather |
 Damselfly on Bogbean |
 Damselfly on Bogbean |
 Damselfly on Bogbean |
 Geese and goslings |
 Geese and goslings |
 Geese and goslings |
 Geese and goslings |
 Geese and goslings |
 Plantain flower |
 Plantain flower |
 White Dead-nettle |
 Queens Jubilee |
 Queens Jubilee |
 Goose and goslings |
All photos ©2002– Click any photo for a larger image |
 Goose and goslings |
 Canada Goose |
 Goslings / Moorhen |
 Goose and goslings |
 Hedge/Wood Woundwort |
 Hedge/Wood Woundwort |
 Hedge/Wood Woundwort |
 Geese family |
 Geese family |
 Geese family |

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