Batty Brickfields makes the front page!
Bats about the birds .....
This years Mayor of Rushmoor, Colin Balchin holds the ladder for Mike Hatch at a recent event to install bat and bird boxes in Brickfields Country Park. The boxes were donated to Brickfields by the Mayor as we are one of his charitable organizations for 2005. Coincidentally Colin Balchin was also Mayor back in 1985 when the park was officially opened.
Accompanying text - Don't let go the ladder! Putting his faith in Rushmoor Mayor Colin Balchin is Mike Hatch during celebrations to mark 20 years since the opening of Brickfields Country Park in Aldershot. Mike, Chairman of Brickfields Country Park has been fixing the bat and bird boxes donated by the mayor to mark the occasion. Brickfields Country Park has been open since 1985. Coincidentally Colin Balchin opened the park originally in 1985 when he was mayor for the first time.
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