Events attended in 2002 for Brickfields Country Park

Brickfields Country Park volunteers attended the following events during 2002 with the display stand and several fund raising games, to bring the Park and the work of the volunteers to the publics attention.  For further details E–mail

Saturday 11th May, Bells Piece Horticulture Open Day. Our first time at this popular local event held every year at Bells Piece Horticulture, Hale Road Farnham.  Along with several other local conservation groups we took the display stand and relevant leaflets to show the public the work of our volunteers and tell them about the park, generating quite a lot of interest, especially as we had a prime spot right next to the exhibition tent entrance!

Saturday 1st June, Aldershot Garrison Jubilee Celebrations. Held at the polo fields on Queens Avenue, Aldershot, the Army put on a splendid day of parachute displays, exhibitions, police dog demonstrations, funfair and much more.  We were pleased to be invited to this event and went along with the display stand, lucky dip and garden ornaments, and did very well.  Lots of interest in the Park and the up–coming Fun Day, several compliments received from ranking Army staff on our efforts and quality of the display.  A very pleasant day despite the recent wet weather!

Sunday 30th June, Brickfields Country Park Fun Day. (location map)
Our best year yet!, we featured Millers Ark Animals Mobile Farm, Goats, Ducks, Rabbits, Pigs, Hens, Cockerels, Geese.  A very popular free display with everybody.  Unfortunately the inflatable slide and Kiddy ride people could not be bothered to turn up or let us know they could not come, but a late booking of a Bouncy Castle did very well and they provided some music as well!  Our usual tombola, cake stall, hot and cold refreshments, quizzes, displays and stalls from local environment groups also did well.  The weather was not too good but we didn't get rained on or get very hot as it has done in previous years.

We were sponsored again this year by The Hire Center, in St. Josephs Road Aldershot, who kindly help out with a large diesel generator to provide the electricity for the Fun Day.  Without the help of local companies we would at times be unable to do some of our work in the park and also stage events like the Fun Day.  Our grateful thanks go to them.

Sunday 14th July, Rushmoor Green Family Sunday & Flower Festival. Free entrance, 10am to 4:30pm, Princes Hall & Gardens, Aldershot.  Fifth year for this popular event aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting local voluntary groups.  Celebrating this year the 21st anniversary of Agenda 21, signed at Rio de Janeiro in 1992.  Rio Carnival, Brazilian music and dance company "Yes, Brazil", local conservation and voluntary groups, hot & cold refreshments, kiddy rides and more.  The event Featured Kim Wilde, pop star now award winning garden designer and BBC presenter on "Garden Invaders".

Sunday 21st July, RSPCA Gala Day and Fun Dog Show. Free entrance, 11am start, dog registration from 11:30, Mytchett Community Center, Mytchett Road, Mytchett.  Get your pet micro chipped for £12.50 (usually £27).  Craft stalls, Hot food, Tea tent, Bar, Fairground rides, Ice cream.  Cog classes include - Best puppy, Waggiest tail, Best condition, RSPCA dog of the year, Best veteran, Best rescue, Dog & handler most alike, Dog the judge would most like to take home.

Cyclist "Get on yer bike"

Saturday 28th September, Ash Family Cycle Day and Green Fair.
Held at the Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, Ash (Ash Hill Recreation Ground).  The first event jointly organised by Ash Cycle Club and Ash Environment Action in what is hoped to become an annual occasion.  Green (Environmental Awareness) Fair, stands and exhibitions from groups interested in environmental, countryside, conservation and animal welfare issues.  Other activities and demonstrations including a children's Cyclo-cross and cycle skills course were held in Ash Hill Recreation Ground.  Hot & cold refreshments, cakes etc were available raising funds for the World Wildlife Fund.  Two family cycle rides were held starting from the Ash Centre - one along the Blackwater Valley path and Basingstoke Canal, and the second to Ash Green and Wyke.  The Event was opened by Sue Doughty MP, Liberal Democrat spokesman on the Environment, who had recently returned for the Earth Summit in Johannesburg.  Aims of the event were to encourage people who don't normally cycle to get out and enjoy the countryside using the easy cycle tracks in the area and to raise the profile of environmental issues in the area.

Groups / exhibitors at the event included –

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