Recent news - 4th April 2002

Fun Day, Wildlife, Arsonists, Volunteers.

The Fun Day .....
The Fun Day (location map) will soon be on us again, it does not seem that long since the last one!  This year we will be featuring Millers Ark Animals - Mobile Farm, who will be bringing a selection of farm animals for all to see.  Chickens, Goats, Pigs, Geese, Ponies, and more, and all for free!  Especially for the kids this part of the Fun Day will allow you to see and interact with animals not often seen in today's hectic lifestyle.  We will also be having the usual games, attractions, groups and organisations.  Please note that the Fun Day this year is on the 30th June, not early in July as previously advertised.

Again we will be helped by The Hire Center, in St. Josephs Road Aldershot, who are kindly loaning us a large diesel generator to provide our electrical needs for the day.  Without the help of local companies we would at times be unable to do some of our work in the park and also stage events like the Fun Day.  Our grateful thanks go to them.

Wildlife .....
Many butterflies have been seen over the last few weeks during this pleasant warm spell, including Peacocks and another as yet unidentified species, both will be "new" species to Brickfields in that they have been seen in the park before but not recorded them for identification purposes.

The Moorhens have not yet produced any young, but the Mallards are now brooding after an earlier abortive attempt during the colder weather, one nest is still occupied by the female ♀ but unfortunately another has been abandoned after some kids tried to make a bridge out to the island.  The disturbance from trying to build a bridge of concrete blocks just a few yards form the nest was probably just to much for her.  The Canada Geese came back early in the year (around mid February) and are now nesting in their usual place aided by the materials left on the island after we cleared the dense scrub during the winter.  We found an egg during that clear up, abandoned after last years nesting when they were attacked by vandals.

Arsonists .....
Unfortunately the arsonists are again back in the park, in the same place as last year burning pallets (which they bring into the park from who knows where), presumably the same group, but possibly not as reports from residents lead us to believe that drugs are being used as well as drink.  Several of our regular helpers have cleared large amounts of rubbish, bottles and cans form the pond and surrounding areas, one evenings clearing was 3 large black bin liners! our thanks go to them for clearing this up.  Regular patrols have now been put in place to try and catch these unsocial members of society.

Volunteers .....
We have been very fortunate this winter to get a number of volunteers from several of the garrisons in the military town.  With their help we have managed to clear a large amount of bramble growth along the Northern boundary with Chrismas Lodge, and to prepare the islands for this years nesting.  We should be able to carry this on during the year (pending military deployments), allowing us to open up a few of the areas rapidly disappearing under this prickly plant.  Grateful thanks go to the Military for their help.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail at Brickfields Country Park website.

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