Yellowing Curtain Crust - Stereum subtomentosum, click for a larger image
Photos ©2005–
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Yellowing Curtain Crust - Stereum subtomentosum, click for a larger image

Yellowing curtain crust - Stereum subtomentosum
Family - Stereaceae

A small to medium bracket fungus growing to about 6–7cm (2.3–2.8in) from the wood, sulphur yellow sometimes with a green algae coat when mature.  Similar to S. hirsutum, bruising yellow particularly when young and at the white margin of the underside when cut if fresh.  Found on the dead wood of broad–leaved trees, ours was found in rows growing in the creases of the trunk of a Turkey Oak downed in the storms of 2005.

BCP do not advise or recommend that Yellowing curtain crust – Stereum subtomentosum is eaten or used as an herbal remedy.   Yellowing curtain crust is not edible.

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