General -
Brickfields Country Park cannot control and does not necessarily agree with the content of any externally linked websites. This website is not associated with, and does not support any political party, activist group or religious organisation, country or individual. The aim of this website is to promote and ensure the continued use of Brickfields Country Park for the local community in ways that supports both the community and the wildlife of Brickfields Park. Discussion of this website and its aims are open to all and any comment is invited and welcomed, please use this form to contact us.
Brickfields Country Park reserve the right to amend any or all of the information on this web site without prior notice in the light of new and/or current laws, legislation, practices or information. All data and information on this web site is provided in good faith and without warranty for reference purposes only. Copyright of all photographs, maps, drawings, diagrams, panoramas or aerial photographs on this web site are held by their respective owners, and reproduction of copyrighted material is prohibited without prior written confirmation of such use by the appropriate rights holder or copyright owner.
Brickfields Country Park will not accept responsibility for any damage (personal, property or otherwise), injury, death, poisoning or any other consequential loss from the use of data, information or pictures contained within the website, whether derived from other sources or originated by ourselves.
Byelaws -
Rushmoor Borough Council Byelaws apply to Brickfields Country Park and are rigorously enforced, for details of the byelaws applicable to Brickfields Country Park contact us or download them from the links below –
Please do not take from, or dispose of, any plant or animal in the countryside. It is an offence under the Wildlife & Countryside Acts (1981, 1985) to remove any wild plant or animal, and also prohibits the release of any non–native species into the wild, punishable by fines and / or imprisonment.
Observe the Countryside Code and protect your environment –
For a copy of the new Countryside code follow this link.
Marketing -
Brickfields Country Park do not engage in any direct marketing in any form whatsoever. Any sales / marketing / get rich / pharmacy or similar spam style E–mails purporting to be from us will be spam and will have been forged. They should not be believed, acted on or responded to, and in no circumstances should any money be sent or personal details released. We do not condone spam E–mailing and take steps to prevent any E–mail addresses on our website from being harvested for mass mailing purposes.
General Data Protection Regulations -
Brickfields Country Park will only ask for your contact details if we need them. If you do supply or we ask for any contact information we will only ask for what we need, and will not collect any extraneous or irrelevant information. We make sure no one else has access to your details and we will not resell or make your information available for commercial purposes. Data provided by you to us will not be released to any third party without your prior permission. Any contact details that you supply are not held online. To notify BCP of your wish not to be contacted by BCP in the future please email us .
Cookies -
Cookies are pieces of data created when you visit a website, they are stored by your browser and their expiration will be determined by your browsers security settings. Cookies usually do not contain any personal information about you and cannot be used to identify an individual user or gather personal data about you. You should consult the documentation for your browser for help in changing your cookie settings. Your browser may be set up to allow the creation of cookies, and depending on the browser used you can also specify that you be prompted before a site puts a cookie on your hard disk, so that you can decide whether to allow or disallow the cookie. Alternatively you can set your browser to not accept any cookies, if you choose not to accept cookies, this will not affect your access to the majority of facilities available on the Brickfields Country Park website but it may impact on the functionality.
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Brickfields Country Park website only use session cookies to help us determine the number of visitors to our site, we do not look at other cookies on your computer or harvest any information from your computer, we will only keep your email addresses if you contact us directly. We use the following session cookies only –
We use these Google Analytics codes to gather statistical information about the pages visited in our sites. For more information on how Google Analytics processes this information, visit Google cookies. Google Analytics sets cookies on our websites to help us accurately determine the number of visitors and volumes of usage, ensuring that our websites are up to date with current legislation and practices and function as required.
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