Fun Day, Green Family Sunday, Wildlife, Arsonists, Common Snappers, Sponsors
The Fun Day .....
The Fun Day again went very well this year with extremely hot weather and good visitor numbers, so much so that we sold out of cold drinks, a first for us! All of the games and attractions were very popular, with the ball pond, hook-a-duck, tombola and cake stall seeming to be the favourites. We made just on £165 which will help during the coming year with postage, insurance and fuel. Next year's Fun Day is provisionally set for Sunday 7th of July, so put it in your diaries now for another "Fun Day".
We were sponsored this year by The Hire Center, in St. Josephs Road Aldershot, who kindly helped out with a large diesel generator to provide the electricity for the Fun Day. Without the help of local companies we would at times be unable to do some of our work in the park and also stage events like the Fun Day. Our grateful thanks go to them.
Wildlife .....
I was sat down by the pond recently during one of the hot spells trying to get a few photographs of the Damselfly and one large green Dragonfly, the only one seen so far this year. After getting some shots of the damselflies without too much trouble I turned my attention to the dragonfly. This proved to be a lot more difficult to get with it flitting all over the place, and after a couple of shots I was contemplating a change of position to get a better vantage point. Just then a sparrow swooped down from a nearby bush, took the dragonfly and flew off! That put paid to that days photo session, and I have not seen any more since.
The Moorhens have produced yet another clutch, the latest are about a week old now and like the last brood are doing well. We have also noticed in the last few days another brood of ducklings, the third for this year. The Canada Geese have eventually left the park after several abortive attempts at raising a brood. We think that they were put off by an attack a little while back by a gang of youths firing ball bearings at them one night with catapults. The group were dealt with by the local police.
Arsonists .....
The arsonists have been back in the park again, and again in the same part as last year, its a good job it had rained over the last few days as the park had been extremely dry and would have created quite a large fire. Remnants of some other fires have also been found in amongst the rocks by the picnic area.
Green Family Sunday .....
We attended The Rushmoor Green Family Sun day on the 15th which unfortunately was not as good this year as in past years as a number of exhibitors and stalls withdrew from the event at the last moment. We had a good attendance from the public in the Princes Hall adding a few more pounds to the funds to help us through the year.
Common Snappers .....
The last two terrapins have finally been dealt with, that makes nine in all that have been re–homed over the last two years, hopefully this will be the last in Brickfields Country Park. Please remember that "donating" alien plants and animals to the environment is an offence under The Wildlife & Countryside Act. These alien species often out compete out own species and can in some cases lead to their destruction. We have noticed in the last few days that Manor Park pond has a very large Common Snapping Turtle, an extremely vicious species, these are the animals that have given Red Eared Terrapins the reputation of Duck killers.
RSPCA Gala Day .....
See you on Sunday August the 25th when the Hants & Surrey branch of the R.S.P.C.A. will be hosting their popular Gala Day & Fun Dog Show. Open 11am to 4:30pm, there will be kiddie's attractions, craft & charity stalls, dog agility display, Morris dancers, beer and tea tents, swing boats, bouncy castle, hot food and ice cream. Have your pet micro chipped for only £12.50 (between one & 3pm). Held at the Ash Common Recreation ground, Ash Hill Road, Ash. See you there!.
If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -
If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .
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