Events attended during 2001 for Brickfields Country Park

Brickfields Country Park volunteers attended the following events during 2001 with the display stand and several fund raising games, to bring the Park and the work of the volunteers to the publics attention.  For further details E–mail

Sunday 1st July, Brickfields Country Park Park Fun Day. After several years of trying to arrange tents for our annual Fun Day we have eventually settled on large portable Gazebos, these do seem to work out better, they take less people to set up and are much more open to the public.  Again the weather was with us this year with strong sunshine all day, almost too hot!  The day went well again, all of the games and attractions were popular, with the ball pond, skill, hook–a–duck, tombola and cake stall seeming to be the favorites, we actually sold out of drinks and cakes in the last hour!  We made just on £165 which will help during 2001/2 with postage, insurance, fuel and tool repairs.

We were sponsored this year by The Hire Center, in St. Josephs Road Aldershot, who kindly helped out with a large diesel generator to provide the electricity for the Fun Day.  Without the help of local companies we would at times be unable to do some of our work in the park and also stage events like the Fun Day.  Our grateful thanks go to them.

Next years Fun Day is provisionally set for the 30th of June 2002, so put it in your diaries now for another "Fun Day".

Sunday 15th July, The Rushmoor Green Family Fun Day & Flower Festival. Unfortunately no Farmers Market this year so numbers seem to have been a little down on last year, none the less the event was again well attended.  Held in the Princes Hall & Gardens with local environment groups, stalls, children's amusements, line dancing displays, games and refreshments.  It was a bit of a shame that several exhibitors saw fit to withdraw from the event at short notice.

BCP have managed to remove all of the Terrapins from the pond so we did not have one to exhibit as last year, but the lucky dip went well with the children as did the tombola.  All in all a good day for us with many interested members of the public enquiring about the Park.

Sunday 19th August, RSPCA Gala Day & Fun Dog Show. We again attended this very popular day with the tombola, lucky dip and display stand.  We had a very good response during the day with quite a reasonable attendance from the public in spite of the weather early in the morning.  About 50% of the stands did not turn up probably due to the heavy rain before 8am.  Very windy during the day nearly blowing the gazebo away more than once! so unfortunately we could not put up the display.  Lucky dip was very popular and combined with the tombola we made £51 during the day.  The last part of the afternoon was hit by a sudden prolonged and VERY heavy downpour which effectively caused the cancellation of the last dog classes and the raffle draw.  We got very wet packing up but in spite of the weather a very good day for us.

Saturday 8th / Sunday 9th September, Scrub clearing at Woolmer Forest with BTCV. Note - Due to a dates mix up we were lead to believe this event was over the weekend, unfortunately it was for the 10th / 11th (Monday / Tuesday) so our four volunteers could not attend.

We are again helping The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers to improve the habitat for Natterjack Toads, in one of the few locations for this species in the country.  As in past years we will clear upwards of two hectares of invasive Birch, Pine, Gorse and other scrub to improve the heather and provide the correct conditions for the toads in one of their few breeding colonies.  If you can help in this effort for a nationally important species or for further details E–mail at BCP or at BTCV.

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