July 2018 - Before the pond regeneration works

These photos of Brickfields Park pond were taken during the heat wave and just before the pond restoration works started.  In some ways it has helped the regeneration works as there is much less water than usual in the pond to pump out but it does go to show the state that our pond is in, with over thirty years of accumulated rubbish, concrete blocks, bricks, tree branches and debris and perhaps even a shopping trolley to two, who knows, we do know there is the remains of what looks like a large galvanised water tank.

For many years after the opening in 1985 the pond did very well, it had lots of fish with many large specimens, even a few Koi, and about a third of the pond was covered with two variants of Waterlily.  Fishing was not allowed as the pond was a stock pond for others in the Borough.  Tree cover at first was minimal allowing lots of sunlight in but over the years the park's Alders, Hawthorns, Poplars and Oaks filled out, but others especially Willows, liking the damp bank side areas and islands grew very fast.  Photos from just after the park was opened - here - show a very open vista to that today, with open clear water and very few surrounding trees, but even then the bushy Willows were starting to grow rapidly.

Before | Tree felling | Dredging | After | Finished

July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Pond outfall area
Collapsed island Algae growth during the heat wave
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
More algae -
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
- and overhanging trees
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Tree debris and overhanging trees
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Bank regrowth after tree clearance
Photos ©2018– - Click any photo for a larger image
Before | Tree felling | Dredging | After | Finished
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Pond inlet area
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Years of silting
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Tree debris
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Far too much shading
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Too much shade
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
View to inlet with silt
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Algal bloom
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Photos ©2018– - Click any photo for a larger image
Before | Tree felling | Dredging | After | Finished
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Shade, rotting tree stumps
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Leaning trees
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Algal bloom
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Banking regrowth, algae
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Bogbean regrowth after tree clearance
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Brick debris
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Fallen willow
July 2018 before restoration, click for a larger image
Too much shade

Before | Tree felling | Dredging | After | Finished

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