Brickfields Country Park Wildlife

253 species at

Of the current total of 650 species that have been found in Brickfields Country Park, 22 are Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species (2 plants, 4 birds, 1 animal and 15 invertebrates).  We also have a possible four more Biodiversity Action Plan species that we are still researching before adding to our lists.  There are a further 25 species that are unidentified in four groups that can be seen from this link.

Information Key - D = data, I = image, S = sound, V = video, P = poisonous, T = toxic.  New image symbol denotes a new entry in the list,  A Biodiversity Action Plan species = Biodiversity Action Plan species.

All photographs in the species pages are copyrighted, the respective owner must be contacted before any are used for any purpose.

(All of these species pages open in a new window)

See also - Invertebrates | Birds | Animals | Invasive[top]
 Common nameSpeciesKey
Beetle - Great DivingDytiscus marginalisD I
Beetle - Large DivingColymbetes fuscusD I
Beetle - Lesser DivingAcilius sulcatusD I
Beetle - WhirligigGyrinus ssp.D I
Boatman - Greater Water BoatmanNotonecta glaucaD I
Boatman - Lesser Water BoatmanCorixa punctataD I S
Common - FrogRana temporariaD I
Common - NewtLissotriton vulgarisD I
Common - ToadBufo bufoD I
Fish - CarpCyprinus carpioD I
Fish - Crusian CarpCarassius carassiusD I
Fish - European PerchPerca fluviatilisD I
Fish - GoldfishCarassius auratusD I
Fish - Koi CarpCyprinus spp.D I
Fish - RoachRutilus rutilusD I
Fish - RuddScardinius erythrophthalmusD I
Fish - TenchTinca tincaD I
Fish - Three Spined SticklebackGasterosteus aculeatusD I
Leech - Medicinal  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Pearl Medicinal Leech - Hirudo medicinalisHirudo medicinalisD I
Leech - DuckProtoclepsis tasselataD I
Pond SkatersGerridae spp.D I
Water FleaDaphnia PulexD I
Water LouseAsellus aquaticusD I
Water ScorpionNepa cinereaD I
Water SnailBithynia tentaculataD I
Water Stick insectRanatra linearisD I
See also - Aquatic | Birds | Animals | Invasive[top]
 Common nameSpeciesKey
Ant - Common Black Garden AntLasius nigerD I
Ant - Yellow Meadow AntLasius flavusD I
Aphid - Variegated OakLachnus roborisD I
Aphid - Black BeanAphis fabaeD I
Bee - Chocolate Mining BeeAndrena scoticaD I
Bee - Hairy legged Mining BeeDasypoda hirtipesD I
Bee - HoneyApis melliferaD I V
Bee FlyBombylius majorD I
Beetle - Alder Leaf beetleAgelastica alniD I
Beetle - Black and Yellow Longhorn beetleRutpela maculataD I
Beetle - Black Vine WeevilOtiorhynchus sulcatusD I
Beetle - False Oil beetleOedemera nobilisD I
Beetle - Screech beetleHygrobia hermanniD I
Beetle - Soldier beetleCantharis rusticaD I
Beetle - Stag beetle A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Stag beetle - Lucanus cervusLucanus cervusD I S
Beetle - Willow Leaf beetlePlagiodera versicoloraD I
Bumblebee - Brown banded Carder Bee A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Brown banded Carder Bee - Bombus humilisBombus humilisD I
Bumblebee - Red shanked Carder Bee A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Red shanked Carder Bee - Bombus ruderariusBombus ruderariusD I
Bumblebee - Red Tailed BumblebeeBombus lapidariusD I
Bumblebee - White Tailed BumblebeeBombus lucorumD I
Butterfly - BrimstoneGonepteryx rhamniD I
Butterfly - Brown ArgusPlebeius agestisD I
Butterfly - Clouded YellowColias croceaD I
Butterfly - CommaPolygonia c–albumD I
Butterfly - Common BluePolyommatus icarusD I
Butterfly - Essex SkipperThymelicus lineolaD I
Butterfly - GatekeeperPyronia tithonusD I
Butterfly - Green Veined WhitePieris napiD I
Butterfly - Holly BlueCelastrina argiolusD I
Butterfly - Large SkipperOchlodes sylvanusD I
Butterfly - Large WhitePieris brassicaeD I
Butterfly - Meadow BrownManiola jurtinaD I
Butterfly - Orange–tipAnthocharis cardaminesD I
Butterfly - Painted LadyVanessa carduiD I
Butterfly - PeacockInachis ioD I
Butterfly - Pearl Bordered Fritillary  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Boloria euphrosynelBoloria euphrosyneD I
Butterfly - Red AdmiralVanessa atalantaD I
Butterfly - RingletAphantopus hyperantusD I
Butterfly - Silver–washed FritillaryArgynnis paphiaD I
Butterfly - Small CopperLycaena phlaeasD I
Butterfly - Small Heath A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Small Heath - Coenonympha pamphilusCoenonympha pamphilusD I
Butterfly - Small SkipperThymelicus sylvestrisD I
Butterfly - Small TortoiseshellAglais urticaeD I
Butterfly - Small WhitePieris rapaeD I
Butterfly - Speckled WoodPararge aegeriaD I
Butterfly - Wall Brown A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Wall brown - Lasiommata megeraLasiommata megeraD I
BugPantilius tunicatusD I
Cinnamon BugCorizus hyoscyamiD I
CockchaferMelolontha melolonthaD I
Crane Fly - Common EuropeanTipula paludosaD I
Crane Fly - SpottedNephrotoma appendiculataD I
Cricket - Longwinged ConeheadConocephalus discolorD I
Cricket - Roesel's Bush CricketMetrioptera roeseliiD I
Cricket - Speckled bush CricketLeptophyes punctatissimaD I
Common FroghopperPhilaenus spumariusD I
Damselfly - AzureCoenagrion puellaD I
Damselfly - Beautiful DemoiselleCalopteryx virgoD I
Damselfly - Blue TailedIschnura elegansD I
Damselfly - Common BlueEnellagma cyathigerumD I
Damselfly - RedPyrrhosoma nymphulaD I
Damselfly - Red–eyedErythromma najasD I
Dragonfly - Black Tailed SkimmerOrthetrum cancellatumD I
Dragonfly - Brilliant Emerald  A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Brilliant Emerald Dragonfly - Somatochlora metallicaSomatochlora metallicaD I
Dragonfly - Brown HawkerAeshna grandisD I
Dragonfly - Common DarterSympetrum striolatumD I
Dragonfly - EmperorAnax imperatorD I
Dragonfly - Ruddy DarterSympetrum sanguineumD I
Dragonfly - Southern HawkerAeshna cyaneaD I
Fly - BluebottleCaliphora vomitoriaD I
Fly - Dung FlyScatophaga stercorariaD I
Fly - Green BottleLucilia sericataD I
Fly - Flesh FlySarcophaga ssp.D I
EarthwormLumbricus terrestrisD I
EarwigForficula auriculariaD I
Grasshopper - Common FieldChorthippus parallelusD I
Grasshopper - MeadowChorthippus brunneusD I
Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum cautumChrysotoxum cautumD I
Hoverfly - Common Club flySyritta pipiensD I
Hoverfly - MarmaladeEpisyrphus balteatusD I
Hoverfly - Myathropa floreaMyathropa floreaD I
Ladybird - 2 SpotAdalia 2–punctataD I
Ladybird - 7 SpotCoccinella 7–punctataD I
Ladybird - 10 SpotAdalia 10–punctataD I
Ladybird - 14 SpotPropylea 14–punctataD I
Ladybird - 22 SpotPsyllobora 22–punctataD I
Ladybird - HarlequinHarmonia axyridisD I
Ladybird - OrangeHalyzia 16–guttataD I
Meadow FroghopperPhilaenus spumariusD I
Moth - Angle ShadesPhlogophora meticulosaD I
Moth - Bright–line Brown–eyeLacanobia oleraceaD I
Moth - BrimstoneOpisthograptis luteolataD I
Moth - Broad–bordered Yellow UnderwingNoctua fimbriataD I
Moth - Broom A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Broom moth - Melanchra pisiMelanchra pisiD I
Moth - Bulrush WainscotNonagria typhaeD I
Moth - Chinese Character mothCilix glaucataD I
Moth - Cinnabar  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Cinnabar moth - Tyria jacobaeaeTyria jacobaeaeD I
Moth - Common EmeraldHemithea aestivariaD I
Moth - Common PugEupithecia vulgataD I
Moth - Dot  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Dot moth - Melanchra persicariaeMelanchra persicariaeD I
Moth - Early ThornSelenia dentariaD I
Moth - Elephant Hawk–mothDeilephila elpenorD I
Moth - Eyed Hawk–mothSmerinthus ocellatusD I
Moth - Fan–footZanclognatha tarsipennalisD I
Moth - Fenland PearlPhlyctaenia perlucidalisD I
Moth - Garden Dart  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Garden Dart moth - Euxoa nigricansEuxoa nigricansD I
Moth - Green LonghornAdela viridellaD I
Moth - Grey Dagger  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Grey Dagger moth - Acronicta psiAcronicta psiD I
Moth - Herald mothScoliopteryx libatrixD I
Moth - Horse Chestnut Leaf MinerCameraria ohridellaD I
Moth - July HighflyerHydriomena furcataD I
Moth - Knot Grass  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Knot Grass Moth - Acronicta rumicisAcronicta rumicisD I V
Moth - Lackey  A Biodiversity Action Plan Species, Lackey moth - Malacosoma neustria  A new Wildlife species page, Lackey moth - Malacosoma neustriaMalacosoma neustriaD I
Moth - Large yellow underwing  A new Wildlife species page, Large yellow underwing moth - Noctua pronubaNoctua pronubaD I
Moth - LonghornNemophora degeerellakD I
Moth - MagpieAbraxas grossulariataD I
Moth - Mottled UmberErannis defoliariaD I
Moth - Oak BeautyBiston stratariaD I
Moth - Oak NycteolineNycteola revayanaD I
Moth - Orange SallowTiliacea citragoD I
Moth - Orange SwiftTriodia sylvinaD I
Moth - Pebble ProminentNotodonta ziczacD I
Moth - PepperedBiston betulariaD I
Moth - PlumeEmmelina monodactylaD I
Moth - Poplar GreyAcronicta megacephalaD I
Moth - Short cloakedNola cucullatellaD I
Moth - Silver YAutographa gammaD I
Moth - Small Dusty WaveIdaea seriataD I
Moth - Small MagpieAnania hortulataD I
Moth - Svensson's Copper UnderwingAmphipyra berberaD I
Moth - SycamoreAcronicta acerisD I
Moth - The Snout mothHypena proboscidalisD I
Moth - Vapourer mothOrgyia antiquaD I
Moth - Willow BeautyPeribatodes rhomboidariaD I
Moth - Winter mothOpherophtera brumataD I
Oak Marble Gall WaspAndricus kollariD I
Owl MidgePericoma fuliginosaD I
Parasitic insectStylops melittaeD I
Scarab – Rose ChaferCetonia aurataD I
Shieldbug - Bishop's MitreAelia acuminataD I
Shieldbug - CruciferEurydema oleraceaD I
Shieldbug - Dock LeafCoreus MarginatusD I
Shieldbug - GreenPalomena prasinaD I
Shieldbug - PiedTritomegas bicolorD I
Shieldbug - SloeDolycoris baccarumD I
Slug - BlackArion ater agg.D I
Slug - LeopardLimax maximusD I
Snail - GardenHelix aspersaD I
Snail - StrawberryTrochulus striolatusD I
Snail - White–lippedCepaea hortensisD I
Spider - Crab spiderMisumena vatiaD I
Spider - European GardenAraneus diadematusD I
Spider - European HouseTegenaria domesticaD I
Spider - False Widow SpiderSteatoda nobilisD I T
Spider - Nursery WebPisaura mirabilisD I
Spider - WaspArgiope bruennichiD I
TickIxodes ricinusD I T
Wasp - CommonVespula vulgarisD I T
Wasp - GermanVespula germanicaD I T
Wasp - HornetVespa crabroD I T
Wasp - ParasiticDiphyus quadripunctoriusD I
Wasp - ParasiticIchneumon suspiciosusD I
Wasp - Ruby Tailed JewelChrysis ignitaD I
Wood louseOniscus asellusD I
See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Animals | Invasive[top]
 Common nameSpeciesKey
BlackbirdTurdus merulaD I S
Blue TitCyanistes caeruleusD I S
BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhulaD I
BuzzardButeo buteoD I S
ChaffinchFringilla coelebsD I S
Collared DoveStreptopelia decaoctoD I S
CootFulica atraD I S
CrowCorvus coroneD I S
Cuckoo A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Cuckoo - Cuculus canorusCuculus canorusD I S
Duck - Buff OrpingdonAnas platyrhynchos domesticusD I
Duck - Cayuga duckAnas platyrhynchos x Anas rubripesD I
Duck - DomesticAnas platyrhynchos domesticusD I
Duck - Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiacaD I S
Duck - MallardAnas platyrhynchosD I S
Duck - SwedishAnas platyrhynchos domesticusD I
Duck - Tufted duckAix sponsaD I
Duck - Wood duckAythya fuligulaD I S
DunnockPrunella modularisD I S
Eurasian NuthatchSitta europaeaD I S
European GreenfinchCarduelis chlorisD I S
Great TitParus major newtoniD I S
Grey HeronArdea cinereaD I S
Grey WagtailMotacilla cinereaD I S
GoldcrestRegulus regulusD I S
Golden PheasantChrysolophus pictusD I S
GoldfinchCarduelis carduelisD I S
Goose - Canada GooseBranta canadensisD I S
Goose - Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiacaD I S
Goose - Greylag GooseAnser anser anserD I S
Gull - Black–headed gullChroicocephalus ridibundusD I
Gull - European Herring gullLarus argentatusD I
House SparrowPasser domesticusD I S
JackdawCorvus monedulaD I S
JayGarrulus glandariusD I S
KestrelFalco tinnunculuD I S
KingfisherAlcedo atthisD I S
Long–tailed TitPica picaD I S
MagpieAegithalos caudatusD I S
MoorhenGallinula chloropusD I S
Mute SwanCygnus olorD I S
Pied WagtailMotacilla alba ssp yarelliiD I S
RedpollCarduelis flammea cabaretD I S
Red KiteMilvus milvusD I S
Ring Necked ParakeetPsittacula krameriD I S
RobinErithacus rubeculaD I S
Song Thrush A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Song Thrush - Turdus philomelosTurdus philomelosaD I S
SparrowhawkAccipiter nisusD I S V
StarlingSturnus vulgarisD I S
Tree Sparrow A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Tree Sparrow - Passer montanusPasser montanusD I S
WaxwingBombycilla garrulusD I S
Winter WrenTroglodytes troglodytesD I S
Woodpecker - Great SpottedDendrocopos majorD I S V
Woodpecker - GreenPicus viridisD   S
Wood PigeonColumba palumbusD I S
Yellow Wagtail A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla FlavaMotacilla FlavaD I S
See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Birds | Invasive[top]
 Common nameSpeciesKey
Common Vandal   HumourHomo sapiens ssp. stupidusD I
Grey SquirrelSciurus carolinensisD I
HedgehogErinaceus europaeusD I
Pipistrelle bat A Biodiversity Action Plan species, Pipistrelle Bat - Pipistrellus pipistrellusPipistrellus pipistrellusD I S
Red FoxVulpes vulpesD I
Wood MouseApodemus sylvaticusD I
See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Birds | Animals[top]
The following species are being controlled where possible by relocation or trapping, contact BCP if you also have a problem with them and require further information.
 Common nameSpeciesKey
Brown RatRattus norvegicusD I
Western Painted TurtleChrysemys picta belliiD I
Red Eared TerrapinTrachemys scripta elegansD I

Please do not introduce or remove any wildlife in the environment, besides being illegal, some introduced species could become widespread and threaten our own native species, as the Grey Squirrel has done to the Red Squirrel.

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