253 species at
Of the current total of 650 species that have been found in Brickfields Country Park, 22 are Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species (2 plants, 4 birds, 1 animal and 15 invertebrates). We also have a possible four more Biodiversity Action Plan species that we are still researching before adding to our lists. There are a further 25 species that are unidentified in four groups that can be seen from this link.
Information Key - D = data, I = image, S = sound, V = video, P = poisonous, T = toxic. denotes a new entry in the list,
= Biodiversity Action Plan species.
All photographs in the species pages are copyrighted, the respective owner must be contacted before any are used for any purpose.
(All of these species pages open in a new window)
Aquatic See also - Invertebrates | Birds | Animals | Invasive[top] | |||
Common name | Species | Key | |
Beetle - Great Diving | Dytiscus marginalis | D I | |
Beetle - Large Diving | Colymbetes fuscus | D I | |
Beetle - Lesser Diving | Acilius sulcatus | D I | |
Beetle - Whirligig | Gyrinus ssp. | D I | |
Boatman - Greater Water Boatman | Notonecta glauca | D I | |
Boatman - Lesser Water Boatman | Corixa punctata | D I S | |
Common - Frog | Rana temporaria | D I | |
Common - Newt | Lissotriton vulgaris | D I | |
Common - Toad | Bufo bufo | D I | |
Fish - Carp | Cyprinus carpio | D I | |
Fish - Crusian Carp | Carassius carassius | D I | |
Fish - European Perch | Perca fluviatilis | D I | |
Fish - Goldfish | Carassius auratus | D I | |
Fish - Koi Carp | Cyprinus spp. | D I | |
Fish - Roach | Rutilus rutilus | D I | |
Fish - Rudd | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | D I | |
Fish - Tench | Tinca tinca | D I | |
Fish - Three Spined Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | D I | |
Leech - Medicinal ![]() | Hirudo medicinalis | D I | |
Leech - Duck | Protoclepsis tasselata | D I | |
Pond Skaters | Gerridae spp. | D I | |
Water Flea | Daphnia Pulex | D I | |
Water Louse | Asellus aquaticus | D I | |
Water Scorpion | Nepa cinerea | D I | |
Water Snail | Bithynia tentaculata | D I | |
Water Stick insect | Ranatra linearis | D I | |
Invertebrates See also - Aquatic | Birds | Animals | Invasive[top] | |||
Common name | Species | Key | |
Ant - Common Black Garden Ant | Lasius niger | D I | |
Ant - Yellow Meadow Ant | Lasius flavus | D I | |
Aphid - Variegated Oak | Lachnus roboris | D I | |
Aphid - Black Bean | Aphis fabae | D I | |
Bee - Chocolate Mining Bee | Andrena scotica | D I | |
Bee - Hairy legged Mining Bee | Dasypoda hirtipes | D I | |
Bee - Honey | Apis mellifera | D I V | |
Bee Fly | Bombylius major | D I | |
Beetle - Alder Leaf beetle | Agelastica alni | D I | |
Beetle - Black and Yellow Longhorn beetle | Rutpela maculata | D I | |
Beetle - Black Vine Weevil | Otiorhynchus sulcatus | D I | |
Beetle - False Oil beetle | Oedemera nobilis | D I | |
Beetle - Screech beetle | Hygrobia hermanni | D I | |
Beetle - Soldier beetle | Cantharis rustica | D I | |
Beetle - Stag beetle ![]() | Lucanus cervus | D I S | |
Beetle - Willow Leaf beetle | Plagiodera versicolora | D I | |
Bumblebee - Brown banded Carder Bee ![]() | Bombus humilis | D I | |
Bumblebee - Red shanked Carder Bee ![]() | Bombus ruderarius | D I | |
Bumblebee - Red Tailed Bumblebee | Bombus lapidarius | D I | |
Bumblebee - White Tailed Bumblebee | Bombus lucorum | D I | |
Butterfly - Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | D I | |
Butterfly - Brown Argus | Plebeius agestis | D I | |
Butterfly - Clouded Yellow | Colias crocea | D I | |
Butterfly - Comma | Polygonia c–album | D I | |
Butterfly - Common Blue | Polyommatus icarus | D I | |
Butterfly - Essex Skipper | Thymelicus lineola | D I | |
Butterfly - Gatekeeper | Pyronia tithonus | D I | |
Butterfly - Green Veined White | Pieris napi | D I | |
Butterfly - Holly Blue | Celastrina argiolus | D I | |
Butterfly - Large Skipper | Ochlodes sylvanus | D I | |
Butterfly - Large White | Pieris brassicae | D I | |
Butterfly - Meadow Brown | Maniola jurtina | D I | |
Butterfly - Orange–tip | Anthocharis cardamines | D I | |
Butterfly - Painted Lady | Vanessa cardui | D I | |
Butterfly - Peacock | Inachis io | D I | |
Butterfly - Pearl Bordered Fritillary ![]() | Boloria euphrosyne | D I | |
Butterfly - Red Admiral | Vanessa atalanta | D I | |
Butterfly - Ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | D I | |
Butterfly - Silver–washed Fritillary | Argynnis paphia | D I | |
Butterfly - Small Copper | Lycaena phlaeas | D I | |
Butterfly - Small Heath ![]() | Coenonympha pamphilus | D I | |
Butterfly - Small Skipper | Thymelicus sylvestris | D I | |
Butterfly - Small Tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | D I | |
Butterfly - Small White | Pieris rapae | D I | |
Butterfly - Speckled Wood | Pararge aegeria | D I | |
Butterfly - Wall Brown ![]() | Lasiommata megera | D I | |
Bug | Pantilius tunicatus | D I | |
Cinnamon Bug | Corizus hyoscyami | D I | |
Cockchafer | Melolontha melolontha | D I | |
Crane Fly - Common European | Tipula paludosa | D I | |
Crane Fly - Spotted | Nephrotoma appendiculata | D I | |
Cricket - Longwinged Conehead | Conocephalus discolor | D I | |
Cricket - Roesel's Bush Cricket | Metrioptera roeselii | D I | |
Cricket - Speckled bush Cricket | Leptophyes punctatissima | D I | |
Common Froghopper | Philaenus spumarius | D I | |
Damselfly - Azure | Coenagrion puella | D I | |
Damselfly - Beautiful Demoiselle | Calopteryx virgo | D I | |
Damselfly - Blue Tailed | Ischnura elegans | D I | |
Damselfly - Common Blue | Enellagma cyathigerum | D I | |
Damselfly - Red | Pyrrhosoma nymphula | D I | |
Damselfly - Red–eyed | Erythromma najas | D I | |
Dragonfly - Black Tailed Skimmer | Orthetrum cancellatum | D I | |
Dragonfly - Brilliant Emerald ![]() | Somatochlora metallica | D I | |
Dragonfly - Brown Hawker | Aeshna grandis | D I | |
Dragonfly - Common Darter | Sympetrum striolatum | D I | |
Dragonfly - Emperor | Anax imperator | D I | |
Dragonfly - Ruddy Darter | Sympetrum sanguineum | D I | |
Dragonfly - Southern Hawker | Aeshna cyanea | D I | |
Fly - Bluebottle | Caliphora vomitoria | D I | |
Fly - Dung Fly | Scatophaga stercoraria | D I | |
Fly - Green Bottle | Lucilia sericata | D I | |
Fly - Flesh Fly | Sarcophaga ssp. | D I | |
Earthworm | Lumbricus terrestris | D I | |
Earwig | Forficula auricularia | D I | |
Grasshopper - Common Field | Chorthippus parallelus | D I | |
Grasshopper - Meadow | Chorthippus brunneus | D I | |
Hoverfly - Chrysotoxum cautum | Chrysotoxum cautum | D I | |
Hoverfly - Common Club fly | Syritta pipiens | D I | |
Hoverfly - Marmalade | Episyrphus balteatus | D I | |
Hoverfly - Myathropa florea | Myathropa florea | D I | |
Ladybird - 2 Spot | Adalia 2–punctata | D I | |
Ladybird - 7 Spot | Coccinella 7–punctata | D I | |
Ladybird - 10 Spot | Adalia 10–punctata | D I | |
Ladybird - 14 Spot | Propylea 14–punctata | D I | |
Ladybird - 22 Spot | Psyllobora 22–punctata | D I | |
Ladybird - Harlequin | Harmonia axyridis | D I | |
Ladybird - Orange | Halyzia 16–guttata | D I | |
Meadow Froghopper | Philaenus spumarius | D I | |
Moth - Angle Shades | Phlogophora meticulosa | D I | |
Moth - Bright–line Brown–eye | Lacanobia oleracea | D I | |
Moth - Brimstone | Opisthograptis luteolata | D I | |
Moth - Broad–bordered Yellow Underwing | Noctua fimbriata | D I | |
Moth - Broom ![]() | Melanchra pisi | D I | |
Moth - Bulrush Wainscot | Nonagria typhae | D I | |
Moth - Chinese Character moth | Cilix glaucata | D I | |
Moth - Cinnabar ![]() | Tyria jacobaeae | D I | |
Moth - Common Emerald | Hemithea aestivaria | D I | |
Moth - Common Pug | Eupithecia vulgata | D I | |
Moth - Dot ![]() | Melanchra persicariae | D I | |
Moth - Early Thorn | Selenia dentaria | D I | |
Moth - Elephant Hawk–moth | Deilephila elpenor | D I | |
Moth - Eyed Hawk–moth | Smerinthus ocellatus | D I | |
Moth - Fan–foot | Zanclognatha tarsipennalis | D I | |
Moth - Fenland Pearl | Phlyctaenia perlucidalis | D I | |
Moth - Garden Dart ![]() | Euxoa nigricans | D I | |
Moth - Green Longhorn | Adela viridella | D I | |
Moth - Grey Dagger ![]() | Acronicta psi | D I | |
Moth - Herald moth | Scoliopteryx libatrix | D I | |
Moth - Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner | Cameraria ohridella | D I | |
Moth - July Highflyer | Hydriomena furcata | D I | |
Moth - Knot Grass ![]() | Acronicta rumicis | D I V | |
Moth - Lackey ![]() ![]() | Malacosoma neustria | D I | |
Moth - Large yellow underwing ![]() | Noctua pronuba | D I | |
Moth - Longhorn | Nemophora degeerellak | D I | |
Moth - Magpie | Abraxas grossulariata | D I | |
Moth - Mottled Umber | Erannis defoliaria | D I | |
Moth - Oak Beauty | Biston strataria | D I | |
Moth - Oak Nycteoline | Nycteola revayana | D I | |
Moth - Orange Sallow | Tiliacea citrago | D I | |
Moth - Orange Swift | Triodia sylvina | D I | |
Moth - Pebble Prominent | Notodonta ziczac | D I | |
Moth - Peppered | Biston betularia | D I | |
Moth - Plume | Emmelina monodactyla | D I | |
Moth - Poplar Grey | Acronicta megacephala | D I | |
Moth - Short cloaked | Nola cucullatella | D I | |
Moth - Silver Y | Autographa gamma | D I | |
Moth - Small Dusty Wave | Idaea seriata | D I | |
Moth - Small Magpie | Anania hortulata | D I | |
Moth - Svensson's Copper Underwing | Amphipyra berbera | D I | |
Moth - Sycamore | Acronicta aceris | D I | |
Moth - The Snout moth | Hypena proboscidalis | D I | |
Moth - Vapourer moth | Orgyia antiqua | D I | |
Moth - Willow Beauty | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | D I | |
Moth - Winter moth | Opherophtera brumata | D I | |
Oak Marble Gall Wasp | Andricus kollari | D I | |
Owl Midge | Pericoma fuliginosa | D I | |
Parasitic insect | Stylops melittae | D I | |
Scarab – Rose Chafer | Cetonia aurata | D I | |
Shieldbug - Bishop's Mitre | Aelia acuminata | D I | |
Shieldbug - Crucifer | Eurydema oleracea | D I | |
Shieldbug - Dock Leaf | Coreus Marginatus | D I | |
Shieldbug - Green | Palomena prasina | D I | |
Shieldbug - Pied | Tritomegas bicolor | D I | |
Shieldbug - Sloe | Dolycoris baccarum | D I | |
Slug - Black | Arion ater agg. | D I | |
Slug - Leopard | Limax maximus | D I | |
Snail - Garden | Helix aspersa | D I | |
Snail - Strawberry | Trochulus striolatus | D I | |
Snail - White–lipped | Cepaea hortensis | D I | |
Spider - Crab spider | Misumena vatia | D I | |
Spider - European Garden | Araneus diadematus | D I | |
Spider - European House | Tegenaria domestica | D I | |
Spider - False Widow Spider | Steatoda nobilis | D I T | |
Spider - Nursery Web | Pisaura mirabilis | D I | |
Spider - Wasp | Argiope bruennichi | D I | |
Tick | Ixodes ricinus | D I T | |
Wasp - Common | Vespula vulgaris | D I T | |
Wasp - German | Vespula germanica | D I T | |
Wasp - Hornet | Vespa crabro | D I T | |
Wasp - Parasitic | Diphyus quadripunctorius | D I | |
Wasp - Parasitic | Ichneumon suspiciosus | D I | |
Wasp - Ruby Tailed Jewel | Chrysis ignita | D I | |
Wood louse | Oniscus asellus | D I | |
Birds See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Animals | Invasive[top] | |||
Common name | Species | Key | |
Blackbird | Turdus merula | D I S | |
Blue Tit | Cyanistes caeruleus | D I S | |
Bullfinch | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | D I | |
Buzzard | Buteo buteo | D I S | |
Chaffinch | Fringilla coelebs | D I S | |
Collared Dove | Streptopelia decaocto | D I S | |
Coot | Fulica atra | D I S | |
Crow | Corvus corone | D I S | |
Cuckoo ![]() | Cuculus canorus | D I S | |
Duck - Buff Orpingdon | Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | D I | |
Duck - Cayuga duck | Anas platyrhynchos x Anas rubripes | D I | |
Duck - Domestic | Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | D I | |
Duck - Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiaca | D I S | |
Duck - Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | D I S | |
Duck - Swedish | Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | D I | |
Duck - Tufted duck | Aix sponsa | D I | |
Duck - Wood duck | Aythya fuligula | D I S | |
Dunnock | Prunella modularis | D I S | |
Eurasian Nuthatch | Sitta europaea | D I S | |
European Greenfinch | Carduelis chloris | D I S | |
Great Tit | Parus major newtoni | D I S | |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | D I S | |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | D I S | |
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | D I S | |
Golden Pheasant | Chrysolophus pictus | D I S | |
Goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | D I S | |
Goose - Canada Goose | Branta canadensis | D I S | |
Goose - Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiaca | D I S | |
Goose - Greylag Goose | Anser anser anser | D I S | |
Gull - Black–headed gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | D I | |
Gull - European Herring gull | Larus argentatus | D I | |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | D I S | |
Jackdaw | Corvus monedula | D I S | |
Jay | Garrulus glandarius | D I S | |
Kestrel | Falco tinnunculu | D I S | |
Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | D I S | |
Long–tailed Tit | Pica pica | D I S | |
Magpie | Aegithalos caudatus | D I S | |
Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | D I S | |
Mute Swan | Cygnus olor | D I S | |
Pied Wagtail | Motacilla alba ssp yarellii | D I S | |
Redpoll | Carduelis flammea cabaret | D I S | |
Red Kite | Milvus milvus | D I S | |
Ring Necked Parakeet | Psittacula krameri | D I S | |
Robin | Erithacus rubecula | D I S | |
Song Thrush ![]() | Turdus philomelosa | D I S | |
Sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus | D I S V | |
Starling | Sturnus vulgaris | D I S | |
Tree Sparrow ![]() | Passer montanus | D I S | |
Waxwing | Bombycilla garrulus | D I S | |
Winter Wren | Troglodytes troglodytes | D I S | |
Woodpecker - Great Spotted | Dendrocopos major | D I S V | |
Woodpecker - Green | Picus viridis | D S | |
Wood Pigeon | Columba palumbus | D I S | |
Yellow Wagtail ![]() | Motacilla Flava | D I S | |
Animals See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Birds | Invasive[top] | |||
Common name | Species | Key | |
Common Vandal ![]() | Homo sapiens ssp. stupidus | D I | |
Grey Squirrel | Sciurus carolinensis | D I | |
Hedgehog | Erinaceus europaeus | D I | |
Pipistrelle bat ![]() | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | D I S | |
Red Fox | Vulpes vulpes | D I | |
Wood Mouse | Apodemus sylvaticus | D I | |
Invasive See also - Aquatic | Invertebrates | Birds | Animals[top] | |||
The following species are being controlled where possible by relocation or trapping, contact BCP if you also have a problem with them and require further information. | |||
Common name | Species | Key | |
Brown Rat | Rattus norvegicus | D I | |
Western Painted Turtle | Chrysemys picta bellii | D I | |
Red Eared Terrapin | Trachemys scripta elegans | D I |
Please do not introduce or remove any wildlife in the environment, besides being illegal, some introduced species could become widespread and threaten our own native species, as the Grey Squirrel has done to the Red Squirrel.
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