Recent news - 22nd August 2011


Byelaws - Anti Social behaviour .....
During last Sundays (22nd August) work period we heard what we thought to be a motorcycle being used in the park, as problem that does happen once in a while.  On investigating we found a family of five people - Mum, Dad and three kids (one about 3 years old) taking turns to ride at speed, a quad bike up and down the grassed areas, paths and mounds bordering the lane.  On asking them to stop for public safety and local bylaw reasons, the father became very abusive and “in your face”, saying we had to produce the byelaws, otherwise “F...” off.  The mother said her younger child did this regularly! and that "we were spoiling their fun", “stop being an old git and push off” - not exactly a safe activity for a very small child.

The situation quickly became very aggressive on their part and difficult for us to handle so needless to say we backed off and called the Police.  Whether they turned up is not known but the vehicle use stopped soon after.  A copy of the byelaws covering this sort of situation is available on the Council website, the salient points being –

This may seem a bit draconian but the above list by no means represents the full set of byelaws for Rushmoor Borough Councils public areas, which are in place so that we may all enjoy places like Brickfields Park in safety and without disturbance.  A full copy of the main byelaws covering open space in Rushmoor is available here, or from our downloads section here.

Please bear in mind that our open spaces are for us all, for use by us all, and that some activities you may want to engage in may affect others in ways you might not realise causes harm or disturbance.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail at Brickfields Country Park website.

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