Recent news - 25th October 2000

Terrapin finals, fish stocks and new photos.

Terrapins .....
Terrapin catching for this year is now finished as they go into hibernation in October and will not be seen until probably May 2001.  The last one left must be quite lonely by now!

Fish stocks .....
A few weeks ago we had the Environment Agency in to take samples of the fish in the pond prior to moving a batch to Aldershot Park for Aldershot Angling Society.  This is to replenish some of the stocks lost when their pond was decimated in the recent "mprovements", and to relieve us of some heavy overstocking, particularly Carp and Rudd.  Preliminary results on the fish are very good so the necessary paperwork is being raised for the move.  We are also awaiting a short report from the Environment Agency advising on anything that can be done to the pond to improve the wildlife.  Now that the terrapin problem has been almost eradicated we will put in place several tasks to improve the newt habitat and keep a watch to see if they recover.

Late addition - the fish relocation has now been booked to take place on the same day as the tree panting (see below).

Tree planting .....
On the 25th of November as part of National Tree Week and to mark the 15th anniversary of Brickfields Country Park, we will be planting a tree to mark the occasion.  Starting at 11:00am the Mayor of Rushmoor, Councillor Jim White will be our guest to perform the ceremony.  All are welcome for the occasion to mark the efforts of The, Rushmoor Borough Council and many others who have done and still do contribute their time to the Park.

The recent bad weather has damaged three of the trees around the pond bringing down two willows and a dead tree round the far side of the pond.  A couple of these are over the paths so they will be removed in the next few days.  The pond is currently over its normal level for this time of year due to the recent heavy rains and an accumulation of debris in the outfall pipe.  This has been cleared as a matter of urgency so the level should return to normal soon.

Gallery pages .....
Another reel of film (#6) has been added to the photo gallery including another seven plant species.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .

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