Recent news - 26th June 2000

Geese, Terrapins & fish over stocking.

Geese wars .....
We have had it confirmed recently that the Canada Geese who left the pond a few weeks ago after a confrontation with the Heron have not lost their young as first thought, they actually walked them down Frog Lane, across Boxalls Lane through the Water Board land to Badshot Lea Pond.  This presumably was done to gain more seclusion at Badshot Lea pond as it is restricted access to the public.  Again presumably the larger pond afforded more shelter from the Heron.

Terrapins .....
We spent some time on the last work period with Martin Eustace from the Portsmouth Reptile group, catching some of the terrapins.  We ended up with a male Red Eared of about four to five years old and one female Yellow Bellied Slider about six years old.  The Yellow Bellied Slider is apparently quite rare as an import to the U.K., this one being only the second that Martin has seen.  The weather since has not been too good, but we will be trying again as soon as the sun brings the terrapins out to bask.  Those caught have been moved to a local reptile sanctuary.

Fish stocks .....
Another outcome from Martin's visit is that we seem to be over stocked with Carp and Rudd, so we are going to check the situation with the Environment Agency and a local fishing club and see if some of the stock can be moved to another pond in the area that had lost some of its stocks in a recent "improvement" scheme.

2000 Fun Day .....
The Fun Day for this year confirmed for Sunday the 2nd of July, 11:00am to 4:00pm.  Held again in the park, Boxalls Lane, Aldershot.  (location map) - Local environment groups, stalls, face painting, games, cakes, refreshments, ball pond & more.  Free admission.  Phone 07979 958020 or e-mail for further information.

Green Family Sunday .....
We will also be at The Rushmoor Green Family Sun day on Sunday the 23rd of July, 10:00am to 4:00pm.  Held in the Princes Hall & Gardens, Aldershot.  There will be local environment groups, stalls, children's amusements, games, refreshments, LPG vehicles, water efficient garden and much more.  Free admission.  A special event on the day will be lectures and demonstrations by the TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham.

RSPCA Gala Day .....
On Sunday August the 13th we will be at the R.S.P.C.A. Hampshire & Surrey Branch Gala Day to be held at Ash Common Recreation Ground, Ash Vale. 11:00am to approx 4:00pm.  Free admission.  Bird of prey display, craft and charity stalls, bar and hot food, older cat photograph competition, fun and frolics for all the family.  Phone Sally Maple on 01252 658150 for more details.

If you see any vandalism, damage or disturbance in the park, please do not get involved, but phone the Police on the usual numbers -

If you have any news for Brickfields Country Park please e-mail .

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