Brickfields Country Park

Sunset on the park, click for a larger view

Situated off Boxalls Lane, in Aldershot, Hampshire, is probably one of the British Isles smallest and least known country parks. (Unless you know of one under 8 acres!)   Reclaimed from the remains of a Victorian brickworks and clay diggings, Brickfields Country Park is a peaceful, natural park, known only by local residents and a few in the know - and now you! . . . .

Brickfields Country Park is maintained by The Friends of Brickfields Country Park in conjunction with Rushmoor Borough Council, The Friends group were formed in 1992 by several local residents wanting to become involved in the upkeep and protection of their local wildlife area.  Operating under license from Rushmoor Borough Council as part of the Parks Department, they perform a range of varied conservation tasks from rubbish clearing, path building, maintenance, amenity installation and publicity.  They are associated to Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership which links them to other conservation groups nation–wide for training, help and advice.

They welcome involvement from anyone, as members of the group or occasional volunteers.  Work parties are held in the park on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month from 1:00pm onwards, see the Dates page for the latest work schedules and list of events.  No special skills are needed, just some strong footwear and a bit of enthusiasm!

Latest news -

April 2024 - Volunteer group Facebook and X pages.
Unfortunately an admin error occurred on the Facebook and X / Twitter feeds for the volunteer group which have changed the name to "Brickfields Nature Reserve".  We would reassure visitors to their social media feeds that - Brickfields Country Park - has - NOT - changed its name, neither does it currently have any form of Nature Reserve (LNR or NNR) designation, the change was incorrectly made by the new working group's administrator.  They are however looking at a future Local Nature Reserve (LNR) status application with Natural England as Brickfields Park fits the criteria for this designation very well, but this effort is still ongoing.

December 2023 - We have now recorded 650 species in Brickfields Park!Clustered Brittlestem - Psathyrella multipedata, one of our new species, click for a larger image
Many years ago we were told that there - might - be 300 species in the park, but we really thought that there was so much more than that, and so with many long hours of research, crawling around in the grass looking for creepy crawlies, taking photos, identifying finds and pouring over lists compiled by researchers and our volunteers, we have reached 650 species of flora and fauna, with another 25 species to do some further research on and confirm.  One of our more recent finds is the Clustered brittlestem (picture).  So if you see anything we might not know of do let us know.

See the Plantlife, Wildlife and Sitemap pages for the current species lists.

July 2023 - New working party.
Some of you may remember that I have been trying to pass on the running of the Brickfields Park friends group for some time, unfortunately Covid and its ramifications got in the way.  We can now let you know that David Clifford and his group has agreed to take on the running of the original Brickfields Friends group, and so to give us a target to work to, we have agreed on the 1st July 2023 to change leadership.  David has always had the interests of the park to hand and his group has access to members and resources that we have struggled to provide since the Covid pandemic.  The annual Fun Day is one event we could not continue with, David's group will be aiming to bring back this much loved occasion for our local community.

Work dates will change from the current bi-monthly Sundays to probably one or two Saturdays a month but as yet we are waiting on details how they will implement in that regard.  David will become the "go-to" contact for the group and I will be advising on aspects of the park and the things we have done in the past.  I must thank all our visitors, volunteers and supporters for their help in the past and assure that the park is still here for our local community to enjoy.  Mike Hatch.

April 2020 - Brickfields country Park joins the Rushmoor Community Lottery.Rushmoor Community Lottery
Support us and you could WIN 1 of 3 tasty national prizes and in addition to the £25k jackpot, you could win 12 monthly fruit & veg boxes delivered to your door.  With every ticket your purchase makes a real difference to our local community and when you choose Brickfields Country Park as the beneficiary, we will receive a portion that will directly help the volunteers and our work in the park.  The Brickfields Park Community lottery page is - here.  Please support us.  If you would like further details please email .

Our Search page with its new core has made it easier to find that odd bit of information you are looking for in the 1550+ pages we currently have.  Information on - our history - related links - future dates - photos and descriptions of the 650 species of fauna and flora that have been found in the park, including a gallery of over 3000 photos and videos of plants - flowers - animals - trees - views - park events and more from Brickfields Country Park.  Contact Mike, if you find a any problems.

The Plantlife and Wildlife pages are continually expanding, with each species found in the park having a picture and short description, (the bird entries also have sounds).  Meanwhile the Species photos continues its growth, and with more new photos being added all the time, and a small backlog to process, we ask you please bear with us.  (All are copyrighted so contact us if you would like to use them.)

Please roam around our website, you will find links to similar organisations as ourselves, along with their e–mail addresses, contact names and some handy phone numbers and web urls.  There is a description of the park, its long and involved history and how to find it.  Please feel free to e–mail any comments and suggestions for our site.

Rushmoor Borough Council have published several walks around the Borough, three of which include Brickfields Country Park.  We have saved them on our website and they can be downloaded from the following links, we hope you enjoy them - especially Brickfields Park of course! –

The three "walks" documents above are ©2004 Rushmoor Borough Council.  They are Adobe pdf documents, to get a free pdf reader download Adobe reader here.

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